Monday, February 8, 2010

finding my art heart

(one of my pencil girls)

(Weather Witch - for Elizabeth)

(throwing caution to the wind)

i am not clever when it comes to drawing
i was never one of those children who could recreated something beleivable with a pencil...
but i have always been drawn (pun intended) to drawing....

i drew when i was sick, i drew when i was lonely, i drew when i was bored....

i can remember Mr Ihaka who taught us how to draw in primary school... how to make sense of shapes in a way that helped me see differently.

I remember drawing the flax at the beach and sitting there for an hour while i tried, fairly unsuccessfully, but i remember that sense of absorption, concentration and release.
i have been going to a painting class for about 3 years now. i have learned a lot about form and how to look at line from photos.

But i have never painted anything that made my heart sing... well one thing from my imagination but then the teacher did most of the face so everytime i see it i see that it is her face and not mine and so... my heart just starts humming instead.

Now i have started doing the online Goddess and Poet course with Suzi Blu and ...

i am hooked

there is beauty pouring out of my hands

my girls are giving me commissions - paid for in cuddles but commissions nonetheless

it may not be fine art

but it is fine by me


  1. "There is beauty pouring out of my hands."
    That's absolutely true, faerian.
    Those art works are stunning.
    I'm blown away.
    Especially love the "throwing caution to the wind."
    I'm privileged to know such a talented artist and to call you my friend.

  2. It's fine by me ,too. Keep going. Never stop
    and don't stop believing that u can because
    u can!
